e.e. cummings

anyone lived in a pretty how town • sun moon stars rain • and down they forgot as up they grew

Saturday, October 16, 2010

rain rain go away..

..come again in january [when i'm not here]! today it rained non-stop. just that annoying its not pour but just raining. so i slept in [hoping it would go away] and then decided i needed to get out. so i went on a little jog. something about my jog was not right, starting with the fact that i am awful at exercising and ending with the fact that it was 40 degrees and raining. about ten minutes in i felt horrible and had to turn around and come back. when i told ryan one of the landmarks id passed he said i went pretty far, so i google mapped it. turns out walking i would have been 20 minutes away from gais! go figure. on my power walk back i was noticing the different places in the town. theres a super cute sewing shop just right up the road, a bakery near the church, and [what i'm most excited for] a farm called hof bommes, which means the yard of bommes, that sells its own produce and dairy! ahhhhh! i know i'm all lactose intolerant and all, but i just LOVE dairy too much to give it up. common who can pass up fresh milk??? so ryan and i were going to hit it up when it opened for the afternoon [everything closes for lunch time]  but while i was googleing the area i found its website and they are on vacation until "wednesday the 17th". it is saturday the 16th. either way that means they are not open today. so well have to give it a go next weekend! i also went and mailed some postcards and a card [my cousin's birthday is on tuesday!], got some fountain water and hit up the denner. for dinner tonight i made the greatest meal. i cut up bit of chicken and fried them in butter, then sauteed mushrooms [in butter, a dash of this yummy seasoning, and a splash of soy sauce] and added in sliced baby potatoes. it was delishious. i made too much and ate it all of course. i need to learn some portion control, especially since the fridges here are smaller than i'm used to, so space is sacred!

after reading for a while i got to talk to sara and jon and bryson! some of my faves of course. i miss them alot! bryson is spending her weekend studyign for her crazy law stuff, jon is doing weird boy stuff, and sara is rocking my world as usual... pandora doesn't work outside the states, so she found me songza. i love me some pandora. but songza is making me ridiculously happy. i have on the 90s one hit wonder station and every single one is making me sing along and freak out. sara's waiting for lfo to come on because that really will take me right back to childhood. this is my new favorite toy. yaaay! well i'm off to rock out and read a bit more...    ☮ ♥ 90s

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