e.e. cummings

anyone lived in a pretty how town • sun moon stars rain • and down they forgot as up they grew

Saturday, October 2, 2010

my first {half} week at icon

so all day monday i traveled to switzerland. i got in tuesday morning and was quite proud of myself for catching the early train and getting through customs as quickly as i did! although on my way down an escalator with my two bags i managed to lose hold of the top one and it just cam crashing down on me. a complete mess, but it could have been worse! luckily i made it down the second escalator much more gracefully. there were just the nicest people around, helping me with my crazy heavy bags and acting like it was no big deal (trust me these bags were not light...) then lor, ryan and napoleon picked me up, we did a bit of quick grocery shopping and headed to the office so i could meet everyone. after about an hour though the jet lag started getting to me and before i could even get anything out of my bags i crashed for a few hours. then karen, ryan, whitney and i ate at the italian restaurant that's below our rooms. it was really good and i will for sure be tempted to eat there again!

the next day my alarm didn't go off so i slept in and barely made the train to work! the trains here are all really well kept, which is a change form most of the trains i was on this summer! work is really close to where we stay, and the country is beautiful! the mountains seem like a backdrop that someone paints fresh daily, it is ridiculous! so my first day at work i re-sized a few ads and sat in on a couple meetings of projects i will be helping out with and just overall got situated. after work i met ryan and karen in the kitchen that's upstairs and hung out with them for a while. that night i thought i would be able to sleep.. not so much. i was so afraid i hadn't fixed my phone and my alarm wouldn't go off i was waking up every few hours and then couldn't fall back asleep!

day two i did get up on time, and after work i got my train pass so i don't have to buy one every morning. i am set until december and then i need to get one more month! at work i did a few more ads and began working on a logo for a new client along with helping out with making corrections to other projects to familiarize myself with the looks and styles the clients have, as well as getting used to working in german! this evening lori and jon had everyone over, and a girl who used to work here came with a friend she's visiting. lori made a spanish feast and it was so tasty! at around 11:30 it was time for us to leave, i was barely awake and finally slept through the night!

on friday i tried to wake up early but my alarm didn't change so i woke up at the normal time. karen took me to this awesome bakery to get a little breakfast, and i think the jet lag is finally wearing off and i am beginning to get my appetite back! phew, i was starting to get nervous there for a while.. i worked on more logo designs and then karen gave me a project to help her with, updating website comps for a client we are revamping a site for.. it looks really great! when we got back to gais (the city/town/village we live in) they had all these tents and bumper cars and all sorts of stuff set up, so hopefully there will be a fun little something going on this weekend!

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