e.e. cummings

anyone lived in a pretty how town • sun moon stars rain • and down they forgot as up they grew

Saturday, August 14, 2010

bye bye gabby

we had to put my puppy down this week. okay fine she just turned eleven so she wasn't quite a puppy anymore, but she certainly was the princess of our household. needless to say none of us are over it just yet. the worst is when tilly looks for her... how do you explain to a dog that her best friend/pseudo mother is gone? its impossible and heart-wrenching.

i spent this last week up in toledo, it's not as depressed as it seemed the last time i was there which is an improvement. my twin cousins turned 18 and we basically spent the week celebrating and going out to eat at every one of our favorite restaurants. it was crazy seeing some of the kids that we were so little when i was around, now taller than me and driving and some even drinking... it made me a little uncomfortable! it was good to see everyone though, i even got to see a group of my friends from high school. i almost went to cleveland with sara to move her in, but that was the day we put gabs down and i just couldn't bear to really do anything.

anywhooo i've been continuing on with the job search. my favorite part about this seemingly never ending process is the information you can come across online. i learned about traits of a good resume from the creative group, and even played around with, well, everything at ag design from different blogs to images to stuff on my favorite {typography}

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