e.e. cummings

anyone lived in a pretty how town • sun moon stars rain • and down they forgot as up they grew

Thursday, August 26, 2010

moving again!

so basically everything i own is at my new new residence... finally! the only issue is we still don't have internet b/c its in the middle of nowhere and we have yet to find a provider. oh well hopefully that will be fixed soon! the anticipation for next month is eating at me! i cannot wait to go to new york, and i really can't wait to go to switzerland... however to ease my time, (besides moving) i have managed to find a few good reads, i think the next one is going to have to be the help by kathryn stockett. also, being the font nerd i am, i found this font iq quiz on art bistro... scored high! i missed two and the moment i clicked next i knew it too.... of well, i still did well seeing as only 1% scored as high as me, i'm just a tad bit competitive :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

hip hip hooray!

so something about that last post was a good luck charm! (maybe it was posting about the awesome company i found and applied for an internship with...) this morning my time, which is afternoon time for icon worldwide, i received an email from lori, the super cool creative director, offering me a position in their internship program! i basically cannot remember the last time i was this excited about anything. more to come later, tonight we are off to celebrate my new opportunity and sam's last few hours of freedom until baseball takes over her life, oh yeah and ash is coming to town! what a great day :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

another week...

the job hunt has yet to go anywhere tangible. one of my favorite parts of it is what a learning experience it is. without this search i never would have discovered awesome sites like chickagoan (a site dedicated to empowering chicago women), delish (this is now my number one site for recipes, i made a fabulous chicken and broccoli dish last night!), icon worldwide (an awesome company based in switzerland), or lola&bailey (a random site, but i am in love with 'the lunch tote' and cannot explain it). oh! also i found some of my stuff from my time at fafard, the elusive second internship that the cd broke and i couldn't get any of my work off of it! check some of it out below (i'm going to keep searching for more of it)...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

bye bye gabby

we had to put my puppy down this week. okay fine she just turned eleven so she wasn't quite a puppy anymore, but she certainly was the princess of our household. needless to say none of us are over it just yet. the worst is when tilly looks for her... how do you explain to a dog that her best friend/pseudo mother is gone? its impossible and heart-wrenching.

i spent this last week up in toledo, it's not as depressed as it seemed the last time i was there which is an improvement. my twin cousins turned 18 and we basically spent the week celebrating and going out to eat at every one of our favorite restaurants. it was crazy seeing some of the kids that we were so little when i was around, now taller than me and driving and some even drinking... it made me a little uncomfortable! it was good to see everyone though, i even got to see a group of my friends from high school. i almost went to cleveland with sara to move her in, but that was the day we put gabs down and i just couldn't bear to really do anything.

anywhooo i've been continuing on with the job search. my favorite part about this seemingly never ending process is the information you can come across online. i learned about traits of a good resume from the creative group, and even played around with, well, everything at ag design from different blogs to images to stuff on my favorite {typography}

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

oooo amazon

a major lack of sleep last night made me realize that i am in desperate need of a new novel. i find it so difficult to follow up a great series, which is why i had to go back to hp after some great steve berry historical fiction. finding the perfect book is such a difficult task. i especially need to get a new one before my flight to ohio. that is going to be awful without a reading companion! for some reason i never find the suggestions as helpful as i would like.
well... off to search for the perfect book (suggestions welcomed!)

"Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers" • Voltaire

i have finished reading all seven harry potter books! i barely remembered anything from the last one, so reading that was almost like reading it for the first time (except the ending in the future part.. of course i remembered that) and now i just cannot wait for the last two movies! i hate how long they are putting between the two.. the whole time i kept thinking to myself 'where are they going to split this book in two?!??' the first one comes out november 2010 and the last one is july 2011... i would have thought the second would come out as soon and the first was out of theaters since everyone will go see it as soon as its out, and then people will go back to see it again right before they see the last one! oh well, i guess i will just have to wait :( it's hard to believe that those books started when i was ten! here i am, twelve years later and still interested in the concept! talk about a well done series.. also the graphics for each movie get cooler and cooler. i love how they have the HP7 done with the two dates on either side. fantastic work whoever had that idea.

speaking of fantastic idea.... the 99 percent put out this interesting article about hiring and creativity and whatnot. its called the top 5 qualities of productive creatives (and how to identify them!) and i found it a great way to evaluate myself on those 5 important qualities! also... i got these sites from a woman i'm discussing invitation work with, and i thought there was some great work in emma j design, be true designs, and nico and lala's websites!