e.e. cummings

anyone lived in a pretty how town • sun moon stars rain • and down they forgot as up they grew

Friday, September 17, 2010


today is my last day to pack for switzerland and new york. i leave for the city on sunday and then after hanging around long island for a few days we are driving down to ,y house so i can get my stuff and say goodbye and then it's off to the swiss alps for a solid three months! i am so excited. getting everything together is much more confusing than i would have thought it to be. i have way too many things and i am finding it difficult to decide what i might need in the next three months! one of the things i know i'll be in need of is a journal. the one from my summer trip around europe (that i got in innsbruck) is full and although i got a new one, i just cannot get paperblanks off my mind! i didn't even realize how many different options and designs there were until i just looked up the site! now i can't wait to return so i can figure out how to acquire the next one i want. there is a long list of the different collections they have and once i figure out which one i want it may take some time tracking it down, which i guess is half the fun! welp, back to packing.

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